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The telegraph was a major step in making a change in the world of communication as it made the world a lot smaller. It helped send messages to any location very quickly as before they used horses, trains, boats, and other forms of transportations to get these messages across. Using a train and horse weren't that effective as they took weeks and as much as months to send a single message. The telegraph also sparked the inventions of other communicative related innovations to come in the future such as the telephone. Its important also came in play politically as the government used it for its military. It helped send secret messages to big cities during wars as it was used a lot during the civil war and world war 1. As it also led to the invention of the telephone it also led to the making of the radio used to keep contact with ships overseas. Overall, the telegraph was important as it lead to other inventions involving better communication and it helped with winning wars.

Teacher Writing a Formula on a Blackboard
Importance: Intro

Above is a short video about the telegraph and how it affected the future communication innovations to come.

Importance: Video
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